Sunday, 13 October 2013

Finally here !!!!!

So after 20 long hours of travelling, we've made it to St Louis.

Sophia has been amazing, she really is a great flyer. Finally, gave in to sleep at Dallas airport but hardly a winge out of her the whole way here !!

Already, we've met so many kind people, from the, predominently glaswegian BA crew who pushed us through passport control at Dallas, to the kind lady from St Louis, who insisted on taking our details so she could phone up after Thursday, to see how it all went.It has already been an adventure !!

First hospital appointment tomorrow, so, bed now in prep for a big day !!

Having a problem uploading photos. Will sort it out tomorrow


  1. Fantastic!! Angie x

  2. So pleased, thinking of you all, especially your wonderful, beautiful, brave little miss. X x x
    All our love Sophie, Terry, Camren and Beth x x x

  3. That's such great news, so pleased everything went well. What a superstar Sophia is!! Good luck for tomorrow, hope everything goes well. Big hugs and kisses to you all x Willow sends big hugs for Sophia too. Sara x x x x

  4. Glad you all got there safely. No doubt Sophia has talked and charmed the pants off everyone along the way!! Good luck tom. Take care Rach xxx

  5. Fantastic really pleased your journey went went now the amazing journey begins sophia and you all in my prayers this week xx hld
